privacy policy

Privacy Policy of the WOOD DECOR online store

    • 1.1. This privacy policy of the Online Store is not a source of obligations for Buyers of the Online Store or Customers, it is informative. The privacy policy contains rules regarding the processing of personal data by the Administrator in the Online Store, i.e. the grounds, purposes and scope of personal data processing and the rights of data subjects, as well as information on the use of cookies and analytical tools in the Online Store.
    • 1.2. The administrator of personal data collected via the Online Store is Bolesław Palczewski running a business under the name Bolesław Palczewski WOOD DECOR entered into the Central Register and Information on Business: address: Chrostowa 61, 32-742, NIP 8681873034 REGON 122727673, telephone number: 695 009 901 - hereinafter referred to as the "Administrator".
    • 1.3. Personal data in the Online Store are processed by the Administrator in accordance with applicable law, in particular in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) - hereinafter referred to as "GDPR"
    • 1.4. Using the Online Store, including making purchases, is voluntary. Similarly, the personal data related to it by the Service Recipient using the Online Store is voluntary, subject to:
      1. concluding contracts with the Administrator - failure to provide, in the cases and to the extent indicated on the Online Store website and in the Online Store Regulations and this privacy policy, personal data necessary for the conclusion and performance of the Sales Agreement or contract for the provision of Electronic Services with the Administrator results in the inability to conclude this agreement . The scope of data required to conclude the contract is previously indicated on the website of the Online Store and in the Regulations of the Online Store;
      2. statutory obligations of the Administrator (e.g. data processing for the purpose of keeping tax or accounting books).
    • 1.5. The administrator uses technical and organizational measures to protect the processing of personal data and protect personal data against their disclosure to unauthorized persons, takeover by unauthorized persons, processing in violation of the applicable law on the protection of personal data and their change, loss or destruction.
    • 2.1. Each time the purpose, basis, period and scope as well as the recipients of personal data processed by the Administrator result from actions taken by a given Service User or Buyer in the Online Store.
    • 2.2. The Administrator may process personal data in the Online Store for the following purposes, in the following periods and in the following scope:
      1. Performance of the Sales Agreement or contract for the provision of electronic services or taking action at the request of the data subject, before concluding the contract in question. The data is stored for the period necessary to perform, terminate or otherwise terminate the concluded contract. Maximum range: name and surname; e-mail address; contact telephone number; delivery address (street, house number, apartment number, zip code, city, country), address of residence / business / seat (if different from the delivery address).In the case of Service Recipients or Customers who are not consumers, the Administrator may process the company name and tax identification number (NIP) of the Service Recipient or Buyer
      2. Keeping tax records. The data is stored for the period required by law (until the tax liability expires). Name and surname in the following scope; address of residence / business / seat (if different from the delivery address), company name and tax identification number (NIP) of the Service User or Customer, bank account number.
      3. Investigation or defense of claims that may be raised by the Administrator or that may be raised against the Administrator. The data is stored for a period not longer than for the period of limitation of claims against the data subject due to the business activity conducted by the Administrator. The basic limitation period for claims related to running a business is three years, and two years for a sales contract, in the following scope: Name and surname; contact telephone number; e-mail address; delivery address (street, house number, apartment number, zip code, city, country), address of residence / business / seat (if different from the delivery address). In the case of Service Users or Customers who are not consumers, the Administrator may additionally process the company name and tax identification number (NIP) of the Service User or Buyer.
      4. Direct Marketing. The data is stored for the duration of the legitimate interest pursued by the Administrator, but no longer than for the period of limitation of claims against the data subject. The administrator cannot process data for the purpose of direct marketing by the data subject. The scope of the processed data includes the e-mail address.
    • 3.1. In order to correctly fulfill the obligations arising from concluded contracts, it is necessary for the Administrator to use the services of external entities (such as, for example, a software provider, courier or payment processor). The administrator uses only the services of such processors who provide sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures so that the processing meets the requirements of the GDPR Regulation. The administrator provides data only when it is necessary to achieve the given purpose of personal data processing and only to the extent necessary to achieve it.
    • 3.2. The personal data of the Service Users and Customers of the Online Store may be transferred to the following recipients or categories of recipients:
      1. carriers / forwarders / courier brokers - in the case of a Customer who uses the Online Store with the method of delivery of the Product by post or courier, the Administrator provides the Customer's collected personal data to the selected carrier, forwarder or intermediary performing the shipment at the request of the Administrator to the extent necessary to complete the delivery of the Product to the Customer.
      2. entities servicing electronic payments or with a payment card - in the case of a Customer who uses the Online Store with the method of electronic payments or with a payment card, the Administrator provides the Customer's collected personal data to the selected entity servicing the above payments in the Online Store at the request of the Administrator to the extent necessary to handle payments carried out by the client.
      3. service providers supplying the Administrator with technical, IT and organizational solutions, enabling the Administrator to run a business, including the Online Store and the Services provided through it, the Administrator provides the collected personal data of the Customer to a selected supplier acting on his behalf only in the case and to the extent necessary to achieve a given purpose of data processing in accordance with this privacy policy.
      4. providers of accounting, legal and advisory services providing the Administrator with accounting, legal or advisory support. The administrator provides the collected personal data of the customer to a selected supplier acting on his behalf only in the case and to the extent necessary to achieve a given purpose of data processing in accordance with this privacy policy.
      5. Facebook Ireland Ltd. - The Administrator uses the Facebook social plugins on the Online Store website (e.g. the Like! button, Share or log in using Facebook login data) and therefore collects and provides personal data of the Service Recipient using the website of the Online Store to Facebook Ireland Ltd. to the extent and in accordance with the privacy rules available here: https: // (this data includes information about activities on the Online Store website - including information about the device, visited websites, purchases, displayed advertisements and the way of using the services - regardless of whether the Service Recipient has a Facebook account and is logged in to Facebook.
    • 4.1. The administrator provides information on possible profiling in this point of the privacy policy. The Administrator may use profiling for direct marketing purposes in the Online Store, but the decisions made on its basis by the Administrator do not apply to the conclusion or refusal to conclude a Sales Agreement or the possibility of using Electronic Services in the Online Store. The effect of using profiling in the Online Store may be, for example, granting a given person a discount, reminding about unfinished purchases, sending a Product proposal that may correspond to the interests or preferences of a given person.
    • 4.2. Profiling in the Online Store consists in an automatic analysis or forecast of a given person's behavior on the Online Store website. The data subject has the right not to be subject to a decision which is based solely on automated processing, including profiling, and produces legal effects or significantly affects the person in a similar way.
  • 5. RIGHTS OF THE PERSON WHO THE DATA CONCERNS You have the right to:
    1. requests from the Administrator to access their data, rectify it, limit it, delete it or transfer it - the data subject.
    2. withdrawal of consent at any time - the person whose data is processed by the Administrator on the basis of the consent expressed has the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing which was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
    3. lodging a complaint to the supervisory body - the person whose data is processed by the Administrator has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body, which is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
    4. objecting - the data subject has the right to object at any time - for reasons related to his particular situation - to the processing of his personal data.In order to exercise the rights referred to in this point of the privacy policy, you can contact the Administrator by sending an appropriate message in writing or by e-mail to the Administrator's address indicated at the beginning of the privacy policy or using the contact form available on the Online Store website
    • 6.1. The administrator may process the data contained in cookies when visitors use the website of the Online Store for the following purposes:
      1. identifying the Service Users as logged in to the Online Store and showing that they are logged in;
      2. remembering Products added to the cart in order to place an Order;
      3. remembering data from completed Order Forms, surveys or login details to the Online Store;
      4. adjusting the content of the Online Store website to the individual preferences of the Service Recipient;
      5. keeping anonymous statistics showing how to use the Online Store website;
    • 6.2. It is possible to prevent the collection of data contained in cookie files by using the appropriate functions of the web browser (in this regard, we refer to the help file of a given browser or we recommend contacting its producer).
  • 7. FINAL PROVISIONS 7.1. The Online Store may contain links to other websites. The administrator urges that after switching to other websites, read the privacy policy established there. This privacy policy applies only to the Administrator's Online Store.

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